Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 3, April 1...April Fools

Day three we woke up and planned for a cold day at the Grand Canyon. I do not think that it would have been cold if it weren't for the stupid wind! When we were getting ready to leave, some dude who was up all night in the cold, got mad at dad because we had our generator on. I think that he didn't get very much sleep, he was mad about his curcumstances, and that he wanted to pick a fight... it was funny because dad didn't even let him fight with him.
We rode shuttle buses to the "points" and took many looks at the Grand Canyon. We were right near the edge, so mom was yelling at us the whole time telling us not to run, stay back, and watch our step or we will die by falling off the edge (what else would we die from mom?) After checking out some of the views, we decided it was time for lunch. We ended up eating at this really nice lodge that was built in 1906. Mom made sure we did not sit by the window so we were not able to see the Canyon (it really was quite large). It was there where I had the best hot chocolate that I have ever had in my life. The waitress brought out the coco cup with a swirl of whip cream and dark chocolate chocolate chips. She then poured the hot chocolate out of a kettle into the cup. IT WAS DELICIOUS! The hot chocolate melted the whip cream and the chocolate chips so the melted dark chocolate was at the bottom of the cup making every sip soooooooo worth it.
After lunch, mom decided to go back to camp with Sam. On her way home, Sam was screaming. The stupid bus driver was being a jerk and told mom that he wasn't running a nursery and she made her go to the back of the bus so that he could "hear his radio." Mom was so embarissed, that she started to cry. Sam screamed the whole way home. Meanwhile, dad, Sadie, Coby, and I went up to Hermits point and got one more view of the Grand Canyon... then we went back to camp.
After we warmed up a bit, we were able to go to the convenience store, buy a few suvaneers, and make a few hotdogs and s'mores. While we were roasting hot dogs and experimenting how to make smoke signals, a big Samoan family pulled in...they were extremely loud. Because we were freezing, dad decided to take off early for New Mexico and he left at 1 o' clock in the morning while we were still sleeping...crazy. That is when Day 4 began...

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